The Basic Series

Our Basic Series is a 3-week program (meeting twice in the first two weeks and once in the third week). It is for students who have never done yoga before, as well as less experienced practitioners who want to improve the foundational elements of their practice and for anyone needing a refresh. Each 90-minute class will focus on a particular section of the Krigsman flow, breaking it into specific movements and ensuring proper alignment for each posture. By the end of the 3-week program, students will have learned all of the building blocks for Krigsman's 1-hour OG Flow Class. The Basic Series will have a limited number of spaces (Max 10) so each student can receive the appropriate amount of individual attention.

The Basic Series was a safe and comfortable gateway into the Krigsman community. I’m still a beginner, but I never feel intimidated or out of place.
— Julie Driggs